
Showing posts from February, 2013

Random: Caring Pet Parents to Robin, Dingo and Danjo

I believe hubby and I won't ever have an issue with PAWS:) as in Philippine Animal Welfare Society or even PETA as in People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals:) Coz we are responsible and caring pet parents to our canines. We have three (3) dogs at home, 2 Aspins :) as in Asong Pinoy:) or Askals as in Asong Kalye and... our baby Danjo :D Last week, our favorite pet--- Danjo (he is a micro pinscher, by the way!) got sick:( We were so heartbroken as he cries out in pain and whimpers/limps while walking. Is it possible for dogs to have arthritis? We took him to HouseVet---our trusted Vet! He gave Danjo 2 shots of antibiotic and multi-vitamins. Danjo gave the good doctor and his assistant a bite each, hehehe!  But Nanay had the most number of bites, no worries though, it's healed now ...and Danjo is up and about and he is his old kulit self again, running up and down our stairs to our room --- hubby and I are both happy:):) We love you Danjo, we always remember Yet b

Random: Me and My Big Feet

It's true what they say, a woman can't have enough pair of shoes :) I know having my shoes for repair at Mr. Quickie is no excuse to buy a new pair! I just wanted to get myself a pair of slippers but it's super expensive! So what a girl wants? New shoes!!! The one on sale!!! Hehehe! Anyways, hubby chose these pair for me, and half the original price at SM Gapo :D Parisian Plus Size (Size 41) Love!Love! My first pair of red shoes:)

Mini Reunions: High School Dabarkads (Late Post:Feb. 10, 2013)

My high school friends will always be close to my heart!  Whenever we have the opportunity to get-together we find time to schedule mini-reunions.  It will be twenty (20) years this year since we graduated, WOW! Time flies, talaga!!! Last Feb. 9, we scheduled a mini-reunion that lasted until 3AM of Feb. 10 LOL! We never ran out of stories to share.  We can't wait for our reunion on Dec. 28-29, 2013! We're actually organizing a batch reunion this year, it's spearheaded by our Senior Class President, my kumpare, Glen T. Espina, hubby of our class muse, Mary Grace, my kumare and friend since second grade (imagine that!).  My bestest friends for life, Page and Flo:*:) With my high school dabarkads and kids:) We're the cutest the greatest "IV-1 batch '93!"

A Beautiful Sunday: Swimming @ Lincoln Heights Pool For FREE :D

February is festive!  Just this past weekend, I was honestly torn between two festivals, being a natural "lakwatsera" a.k.a. wanderlust, I was torn between going to the Hot Air Balloon Festival in Clark Field Pampanga and the Panagbenga Festival in Baguio City.  Due to financial constraints though hubby and I will re-schedule our visit to these festivals for next year!!! So what to do on a beautiful lazy Sunday?  With friends who have free swimming permit to the village swimming pool, we enjoyed a picnic and swimming in a pool without chlorine:)  The view was amazing! The weather was great! Hubby and Kuya Allan-thanks po! Super love it!  "The best things in life are free, indeed!"    Hubby doing some pool cleaning, hehehe!   Amazing view!!! With my inaanak Rain and Mama Joyce enjoying the cold water :D So you see, it's really OK even if we didn't make it to these amazing festivals, there's always next year:-)