
Showing posts from 2012

Thank you all for these wonderful presents...

Anniversary Gift from Kuya Pete:) More than the gift, its the thought that counts! Thank you all for the loooveeee! Happy Holidays!!!

Holiday Lakwatsa @ Baguio City: Sagrada Familia Invades the City of Pines

It's hubby and moi's second time to visit the City of Pines this year!!! Just in time for our 4th wedding anniversary celebration.  We really enjoyed our lakwatsa to the maxxx.  The weather was very nice and thank God---we had a safe trip.  This time we went with our group of friends we call "Sagrada Familia":  composed of hubby and me, Mama Joyce, Kuya Allan & Vienini , Kuya Pete & Ate Siony, Lim's Family-Boy, Libay, Kathleen and Ri-ri. Some of our group pictures with our "uniform shirts" lol!  Allow me to share hubby and moi's 2008 & 2012 photos at the MANSION : --> On a sunny Saturday at home, upon receipt of a text message from Ate Libay, hubby and I prepared our stuff and we're all set to go around 11AM.  We were suppose to roll around 12PM but due to some constraints at the workplace, as Kuya Pete was still on duty... we were on the road at about 4PM last Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012. Our group had a few stop-ove

Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Manaoag in Pangasinan

Hubby and I, along with our friends made the most of the previous long weekend through a pilgrimage in Pangasinan.  It was a humbling experience, visiting the Shrine of Our Lady of Manaoag for the second time (for hubby and me). 

HBD Greetings to MiKai!

For Mikai's birthday celebration we had dinner at KFC and we had Yellow Cab's ice cream for dessert! I must admit we are a bit "addicted" with Yellow Cab ice cream! Hehehe! I think y'all should try it :P Anyways, happy birthday Kai!!! from all of us:) Yellow Cab Ice Cream for dessert!

Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner with Hubby & Friends

Excited to eat with our huge BIBS! Assorted Seafood boiled in a bag, delicious! Need i say more? Hehehe I really consider 2012  as the most challenging year for me.  Although technically it's not over yet coz we're still on the 11th month of the year...A lot has happened...a roller coaster of emotions... BUT... one thing is for sure...I feel blessed Lord, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I sure have tons to be thankful hubby, my family and friends.  Muchos Gracias! So, Last Wednesday (November 21, 2012) my office buddies-Koji and Kai, hubby and me, enjoyed a feast at Claw Daddy's, sort of celebrate  a bit (hahaha) through a pre-thanksgiving dinner :) Busog!

Birthday shoutout for my bff!

Dessert with the Birthday Girl and my good friend Koji @ Yellow Cab This post is lovingly dedicated to my best friend for life, i love you buddy!!!

Lakwatsa @ Pinabatuhan, Morong Bataan

It was a beautiful sunny Saturday!!!  Last weekend, my friends from the office were invited by one of our Manangs, Manang Cely to her house blessing @ Morong, Bataan.  It was a mini-adventure because my good friend Koji and I boarded the jeepney going to Morong ahead of time.  We both had no idea about how to get to Manang Cely's place, at that time i thought to myself, this is gonna be an adventure :D Indeed!  While we waited for our other officemates we ate some native food such as suman and kutsinta plus instant cup noodles and boiled egg, burp!  By the time we finished eating, our officemates arrived. I soooo love the beach! Manang Cely's place is just walking distance to the beach! Amazing!  The view going to Morong is awesome as well! Till our next adventure:)

Lakwatsa @ Harbor Point, Ayala Mall

Pardon my hiatus at the "blogosphere"... A lot has happened since my "vacay" from blogging...I really really miss sharing my stories! So now, Lakwatsera is officially back! To kick off my come-back, here's a collage of photos with my friends from the office Koji and Kai @ Harbor Point.  Here's wishing y'all a nice day and advance happy long weekend ahead! Cheers! Much love, Lakwatsera

Happy 4th Birthday Denise Joyce!!!

My favorite niece Denise Joyce turns 4 today!!! This sweet chubby girl is celebrating her fourth birthday today and I miss her!  I haven't seen her in five (5) months as she is in Zamboanga with her other siblings Denise Mariel and Den Joseph.  Thanks God for Sun's unlimited calls because despite the distance our family is still very close.  Last Sunday night, she recited to me over the phone some poems and an evening prayer.  She's not just pretty but witty as well!   Happy birthday our darling Denise Joyce, we love you to pieces---from Uncle Mike and Auntie Yeng:)

An Advance Birthday Gift from my Brother-Dear:)

We always hear this line:  "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON", cliche but TRUE!   Barely a month after my brother "Yet" passed away, honestly, I still cry everyday.  Oh God must have a really really good reason why he took him back already.  Yes,  I have already accepted...he is gone too soon but his memories will leave on...Each day my family and I try to move on. I remember five(5) months ago on March 17, 2012 to be exact, he sent me a text message "Kapatid gcng kpb? My gift me sau. Mango na bag :)" Little did I know, he wouldn't make it to my birthday and that was his advance birthday gift for me:)    Love Love Love my Mango Bag:) Thank you bro!!! My darling Danjo guarding my Mango :)

A Poem for My One and Only Beloved Brother

--> Yet...  It has been nine days since you left... Though it seems like only yesterday my brother dear... When you were with us here... Nevertheless, your memories will stay... Forever and a day... We're trying our best to understand God's reason... Why you were gone too soon... I love you bro! Missing you terribly, too! Our love and prayers are always with you... My brother joined our Creator on 25 July 2012, due to diabetes complications.  He was 34. 

I miss...

Cebu! Cebu! Cebu! I miss U! It has been over a year since I visited Cebu.   The trip was actually work-related, it was the 12th International Network of Affiliated Ports (INAP) Conference which was hosted by Cebu Port Authority.  Despite the hectic schedule then, we still managed to squeeze in some sightseeing and food trip! Yay! It was my first time in Cebu! @ Sto. Niño de Cebu Church; photo on the left was taken using my trusty nokia 6300:) @ Museo Sugbo with Ms. Lynette, my office mate:) @ Cebu Provincial Capitol we had dinner hosted by the Governor and watched some festival dancers:) Amazing! We stayed @ the then newly opened Radisson Blu Hotel; right photo was the view taken from our hotel room. Radisson Blu's lobby:) The hotel is actually adjacent to SM Cebu! Our lovely accommodation! I super miss Radisson Blu's Breakfast Buffet! Our first lunch in Cebu! A super cute conference give-away from Cebu Port Authority:) @ the c