2D1N Baguio City/La Trinidad, Benguet/La Presa, Tuba, Benguet/Manaoag, Pangasinan(January 31 - February 1, 2015)

Day (0) Preparations for the Trip -Friday, January 30, 2015

Hubby and I went straight home from work on Friday to prepare for our trip to Baguio City! We're so excited to take this trip which was supposed to happen a week before (that's another story).  We packed appropriate clothes for Baguio's weather including snacks and ready to eat meals such as cup noodles, cookies, cupcakes, chips, oatmeal plus 3-in-1 coffee, because we are budget travelers like that:-)

Hubby also cooked  chicken adobo for our "baon" the next day.  Whilst I prepared Spam/Egg and Cheese Sandwich, Nanay packed breakfast of fried rice, spam and egg good for 8 pax (including the driver).

Day (1) Tour at the City of Pines -Saturday, January 31, 2015

Our call time is at exactly 3:00 A.M! The kids of Aquino Family (Ysabel & Dominique), Ryan and Olive, Ivan and Hubby and me were all excited.  We were rolling in no time!  It took as almost four (4) hours from San Pablo, Dinalupihan Bataan to Baguio City.  Most of us were asleep the whole time, I woke up when we're already at Rosario, La Union for a quick stop over/bladder break.

A few minutes more, we're at Kennon Road's famous landmark:
Hubby and me:-) Feeling cold!

The good thing about our accommodation at Baguio Overview Apartelle is that we can check-in early:-)  The rate for our overnight stay for 8 pax is only PhP 2,800! So thank you Ms. Wheng for being so accommodating and kind!

Baguio Overview Apartelle @ Legarda Road, Bukaneg Street
Inside Room "P" and our mini-store of snacks"baon"

Our room is very clean and it smells good!
View from our room:-)

It was a little past 7am when we checked-in at Baguio Overview Apartelle.  After fixing our things we decided to have breakfast before heading out to explore Baguio City.  The hotel was kind enough to provide us with hot water for our coffee "baon". Hehehe! Thumbs Up!
After breakfast, we're all ready to go!

First Stop:  Baguio City Cathedral
I love the Cathedral's Wall Garden!
Next Stop:  Good Shepherd Convent

With my forever travel buddy:-)
Whenever we visit Baguio City, we always make it a point to purchase goods from Good Shepherd:-) As we help send Cordillera Youth to school every time we purchase their products! Their ube-jam is the best I have ever tasted!

Third Stop:  Mines View Park with the Aquinos

Sundot-Kulangot anyone?  lol!

<3 Strawberries!!!
The weather was perfect for our day out exploring Baguio City.  Tons of tourist at the same time! The good thing is we have an Official Photographer-thanks Ivan!  Hehehe! After strolling around Mines View Park, we had a bit of pasalubong shopping:-) We also bought Baguio Souvenir shirts to remind us about this trip!  Next stop:  Burnham Park!!!

Lunch is served at Burnham Park:-)
Good thing we have our own baon (we're Girl Scouts like that! hehehe)  We had chicken adobo, longganisa, egg for lunch and watermelon for dessert!  After lunch, the Aquino kids can't wait to ride the bikes.

The kids enjoying their bike ride.

Ysa biking around Burnham Park
Group pic with Doglas Baguio @ Burnham Park
Scary boat ride!!!
It was hubby and moi's first time to ride the so-called flat boat at Burnham Park. We paid PhP 150 for 30 minutes.  We didn't last 30 mins. because it was a bit scary plus the murky water looks really filthy!

After strolling at Burnham Park, we proceeded to Camp John Hay area and the Baguio City Public Market for fresh fruits and vegetables before heading back to Baguio Overview Apartelle to rest a bit.

The Manor!

Around 6PM we got ready for a night out in SM City Baguio and Session Road.

SM City Baguio @ night

Strolling at the mall after dinner!

View from our room (Baguio @ night!)

We felt really cold although the mall has no A/C.  The boys went to get drinks at a 7-Eleven store while us girls were supposed to check-out the UK2x at Session Road but something happened to one of the kids so we went back to the hotel.  After a few drinks and chit-chats, we finally called it a night.

Day (2) Strawberry Picking at La Trinidad, Benguet -Sunday, January 31, 2015

We woke up very early to avoid the traffic going to Strawberry Farm. We had the most important meal of the day @ Baguio Overview Apartelle:

Aquino Family
Ivan, Ryan and Hubby

We wasted no time, after breakfast we checked out of Baguio Overview Apartelle and then off we go to La Trinidad, Benguet.  It was our first time to actually try strawberry picking at La Trinidad, as on our past trips we just go there for picture-taking.  The Aquino kids were super excited, they've been talking about it prior our trip.  I must say though, it was a bit expensive at PhP 400/kilo! The regular price of strawberries is only PhP 180/kilo.  Nevertheless, we made the most of our visit there.  And the smiles on the kids' faces--->priceless!

Olive and me:-)

Aquino Family with Ivan

Hubby and Dom
I can't resist to take a selfie with the flower that resembles my personality:-)
Sunflower and me:-)
We bought fresh strawberries and souvenirs after strawberry picking.  Then proceeded to Marcos Highway to find our way to La Presa, Tuba, Benguet.  However, some roads in the city were closed as the opening parade for Panagbenga Festival 2015 was still on going.  We consider it a blessing in disguise though because we were able to watch the parade:-)
We even saw Danjo's look-alike during the parade!


After a few minutes the parade ended then the road leading to Marcos Highway was opened.  It was everybody's first time to go to La Presa, the set for Kapamilya's  TV series called Forevermore.

A few minutes after lining up to have our picture taken, it was finally our turn! 

Amazing view!
I can't get over the amazing view at La Presa:-) See separate post :-)

I feel truly blessed to be able to experience these places and I feel grateful for the opportunity to share it with you.  We start and end most of out trips with church visits.  So with plenty of time left, we visited Our Lady of Manaoag in Pangasinan before going home.

We lighted candles with our thanksgiving prayers for the safe travel.  We had late lunch at Chowking in Urdaneta, Pangasinan then we're off rolling again.  A few hours more, we were back home a little past 6PM. 

Back at home, I napped and dreamt of our next adventure! Hehehe! Kidding!

Till our next lakwatsa!




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