4D3N Trip to KL, Malaysia and Singapura (Day 2)

Day 2 (August 22, 2015)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Singapore, Singapore

We arranged for transportation the previous night at the Metro Hotel Front Desk.  Two taxi cabs will  take us to the airport courtesy of the very accommodating hotel staff, "Russell".  The hotel was also gracious enough to provide us a light breakfast "to go".  The hotel's Cafe normally serves breakfast at 7AM.  Our call time at the lobby was at 4:00 A.M. on Saturday for our 7:45 flight to Singapore.

While waiting for the others, we took turns taking photos at the Metro Hotel Lobby...
Picture, picture while waiting...
Sleeping Beauty, lol!

As soon as everybody is ready, we hopped on the taxi cab to take us to the airport...

Our 45 minutes journey from KL to SG begins...
Seatmates:  Hubby and me with Kai
We experienced turbulence during the 45-mins. flight, hubby hurt his head a bit while at the lavatory during the said turbulence.  All is well though! We can't hide our excitement as we landed SG.  We've been hearing about how nice Changi Airport is. Indeed, it is spotless! and HUGGGEEE!
@ Changi Airport, Singapore
Beautiful and fresh flowers!
Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Singapore

We're not lost, promise! Hehehe! Huwag magpahalata :-D

SG train ride :-D
Strolling at Raffles Place, SG
Strolling makes our tummy hungry, hence, we went inside Raffles Place Mall to search for a Food Court.  We found one and settled to have lunch at this Vietnamese Restaurant called "Ngon" while waiting for hubby's niece, Honey Mae to meet us.

Both pleasing to the eyes and the palate!
Hungry no more, hehehe!
Our Table number "24" coincidentally Dec. "24" is our anniversary!
After lunch, we went outside the mall and strolled some more while we wait for our real "Tour Guide" for the day, Honey Mae!

Outside Raffles Place Mall
When Honey Mae arrived she took us to the Marina Bay Sands!  We maximized our time with her as she has to go to work at 5PM. So she wont be able to accompany us at Sentosa.
We love Marina Bay Sands

Inside MBS...
Feeling happy with my forever travel buddy hubby
Someday we'll do this...

and this! hehehe (dreaming)
Our "TG" wanted to treat us for a real meal in SG, too bad, most of the restaurants are full...
Most of the guests are standing while waiting for their turn...
Full house ---> there's a skating rink at the right side

Look up! Look up! Still @ MBS
Honey Mae decided to take us to the Esplanade and instead of walking, we took the cab as it is too hot outside.  Our TG treated us at this restaurant called Thai Express...

We love Thai Express!!!
The food was served by a Filipino Crew, Thai food tastes wow! Superb!  Keri na kahit hindi na kami mag dinner later pagbalik ng KL.

Happy Tummies---> Thanks to the Filipino crew for taking this pic:-) And thanks Honey Mae for the treat! Burp!
After eating we strolled inside the Esplanade Mall and found some shoes/sandals on sale.  Everyone took advantage of the sale.  Until one of our friends accidentally left her mobile phone at the counter but she was able to recover it because of the honest staff from the store.  

Honey Mae also bought souvenir I <3 SG shirts from Giordano for hubby and me.  Gracias!

Another train ride with niece/Tour Guide Honey Mae

LV and SG Skyscrapers as our background
Merlion Park
We love the view!
Group pic courtesy of Honey Mae

Hayayay! We <3 SG! We love the viewww!
A few more pics/clicks later, we were on a taxi cab going to Sentosa Island. The cab driver speaks fluent English and we enjoyed chatting with him about our countries.  It's nice to know and hear about SG's culture based from the story of one of its people.  The cab driver is over 60, we learned that the retirement age in SG is 73! It's inspiring!

We so wanted to try the Cable Car Ride but decided to try it next time since we were like on "Amazing Race Asia". We strolled around Sentosa to meet Kai but didn't catch her as she left for the airport ahead of us. We were supposed to meet her at the Universal Studios Globe something.

Super love this group pic
Having fun while strolling around (again, wag magpahalatang lost!)

Hubby and I enjoyed this SG trip to the maxxx

We weren't able to go inside Universal Studios because of time constraints...better luck next time.!
After strolling, we are thankful for almost everyone we asked pointed us to the right direction.  We made it on the train back to the Changi Airport ahead of time.  Met our other friends Kai, Angel and Kent. Checked in at the Air Asia counters and relaxed as we await our 8:45 PM flight back to KL.

Our day tour in SG was a blast! When we arrived at KLIA2, we bought dinner "to go" at Wendy's and had dinner at our hotel rooms.

It was an amazing race kinda' day but we enjoyed it to the maxxx!

There's no shortage of amazing places to go in Singapore.  People are disciplined and honest.  Plus, most of them dress really nicely even in trains.

Till our next lakwatsa!


Lakwatsera 2015

(P.S.  Next post is Day 3, KL City Tour)


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